Chocolate ice cream on a cold winters evening, picking up bread and milk, the smile you receive when flowers are unexpected, the throw that makes the ugly chair in the house look even worse, the dementia patient who thinks you stole her husband, the writing desk that makes you feel like a proper writer even though you couldn't be further from the truth, the specks of green life that dot your flat, Africa on a sunday night, a sudden blast of heat from your electric heater, someone asleep on your shoulder, being asleep on someone else's shoulder, walks in the rain, muddy shoes, a cat that doesn't understand why you're upset, not being able to polish a turd but rolling it in glitter instead, a sleepy question asked earnestly, laughing till you fart, eating till you can't help vomiting a little bit of it back up into your mouth, drinking with wonderful friends, the shiver that runs down your spine when you hear an amazing singer, Chocolate Bourbons for 35p from Aldi (double pack), a guitar that is more like an old friend than anything else, a trip to Selsdon Park Nature Reseve, a man who can fix things, watching someone work with their hands, the moment you realise you could never make music like that, the other moment you realise that that's ok, when someone else says what you're thinking, dirty filthy fried chicken on a drunken night, singing a line of some obscure musical while in the toilet and hearing the next line coming back at you from the living room and the one after that from the bedroom, roast chicken on a sunday evening, having a place to go to get away from it all, having someone to come home to, taking a god damn break every once in a while, listening to The Bear Necessities from the Jungle Book, pondering the larger questions which won't be answered this year or any year, the sense of anticipation at a new movie musical, the astounding feats that people perform on a daily basis, cookies, sleeping, walking past a McDonalds and knowing you can resist the temptation for a Big Mac, waking up in the morning and hitting 'snooze', performing for an audience of one, listening to people tell stories, reading, writing, the little man turning green at precisely the right time, knowing that no matter how bad things are they can either get worse or better but they're not likely to stay the same unless you want them to, reading a poem every morning, Robert Frost's 'The Path Less Travelled By', Robert Louis Stevenson, learning something you didn't know about someone that leads to greater understanding, knowing that someone gets you, finding out that you are a worse artist than practically everybody in the world, ruling things out as possible career choices, narrowing things down, changing your mind, knowing that anything is possible if you want it bad enough, finding the last budweiser can in the fridge and making the conscious decision that you will have it for breakfast, the versatility of eggs and potatoes, knowing that 2 + 2 does indeed appear to equal four,knowing that Will Smith is completely within his rights if he believes that that is not true, that there are 365 days in the year and 24 hours in a day and 60 minutes in every hour and 60 seconds in every minute and every single second is rife with possibility, knowing that inspiration may fall out of the sky at any moment, working with young people and the elderly, doing something for a charity, seeing the world, doing your own personal tour of the city you grew up in, throwing a surprise party for a good friend, realising that your significant other is more significant than you, realising that you are in fact not a morning person, having a massive breakfast on a saturday.
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July 2024